Speaking Engagements
SAA has been invited to speak at several events and conferences to further educate insurers and government risk pools on important issues.
2024 Finance & Technology Spring Workshop | May 20, 2024
Presented by: Lucy Rimsky, Director, SAA
"Investment Fiduciary Responsibilities:
Avoiding Issues & Oversights When Searching for Guidance
Seeking investment advice from, or delegating tasks to, an outside party is one of the many duties a JPA staff or governing body member carries. Given the importance of the investment portfolio in supporting the JPA’s financial goals, it is important to remember that not all expertise is created equal. Your JPA may be following recommendations that involve conflicts of interests, fees, and opportunity costs that aren’t made apparent. This session will review the different types of third-parties providing investment advice, how to identify & assess the appropriateness of recommendations your JPA might receive, and how following certain guidance can lead to beneficial or detrimental outcomes to the investment portfolio.
NLC-RISC Trustees Conference | May 10, 2024
Presented by: Lucy Rimsky, Director, SAA
"Navigating Investments for Risk Pool Trustees in 2024"
A risk pool’s investment portfolio is a cornerstone to the overall operation; providing support to the pool’s financial objectives, including pricing for its members. For staff and trustees, both long-time and new, the current investment landscape brings both unique challenges and recurring themes. This session will review the role of a pool’s investment portfolio and what governing bodies should be mindful of when making investment-related decisions in the current market environment. This discussion will also highlight potential opportunities available to risk pools of all types (i.e. health benefits, workers’ comp, property & liability, etc.) – ranging from traditional investment-grade fixed income to expanded or indirect avenues, such as risk assets.
AGRiP Governance & Leadership Conference | March 5, 2024
Presented by: Nathan Simon, SAA
"Investment Responsibilities of a Governing Body and its Individual Members"
This session helped attendees understand the investment responsibilities of a pool’s governing body, as well as an individual trustee serving your pool. You'll consider your role in understanding appropriate investment types for the pool, how to determine investment risk, and when to consider potential alternatives. Along the way, you'll hear stories about real pools to help you compare and contrast your pool to others.
2023 Virtual Education Series | September 13, 2023
Presented by: Nathan Simon (SAA) & Chris Myers (New England Asset Management)
"The Next Generation of Investment Strategies for Mutual Insurance Companies"
CRL Pool Board Governance Conference | July 13, 2023
Presented by: Alton Cogert, SAA & Dan Byrnes, AAM
"Roles and Responsibilites of Investment Advisors"
NLC-RISC Trustees Conference | May 12, 2023
Presented by: Alton Cogert
"Are You Governing Your Pool’s Investment Process in the Best Interests of Your Members?"
AGRiP Governance & Leadership Conference | March 8, 2022
Presented by: Dan Smereck, SAA & Tito Villegas, TMLIRP
"(Re)Educating Governing Body Members to Understand Their Role in Investments"
A case study to review how a governing body addressed educating (and sometimes re-educating) current and new governing body members about the pool's investment process.
2021 Virtual Education Series | May 19, 2021
Presented by: Alton Cogert (SAA) & Ilene Kelman (Vanguard)
"Diversification: Risk Assets Through ETFs and Mutual Funds"
NLC-RISC Trustees Conference | May 15, 2019
Presented by: Dan Smereck
"The Next Generation of Investment Strategies for Pools"
2019 Virtual Education Series | April 2, 2019
Presented by: Alton Cogert (SAA) & Kelly Sweppenhiser (Vanguard)
"The Next Generation of Investment Strategies for Mutual Insurance Companies"
IASA California Regional Meeting | December 13, 2018
Presented by: Alton Cogert
"Systematic Value Accounting + Bond SVO Ratings = Fixed Income EFTs on the Rise"
SAA’s President & CEO Alton Cogert recently addressed the systematic value accounting of Bond ETFs and identified which funds are marked as Bonds AND are eligible for SVO Ratings.
AGRiP Fall Educational Forum | October 1, 2018
Presented by: Dan Smereck
"Next Generation Investing for Pools"
As new generations move into the workforce as both pool employees and members, how might their life views change the way pools approach and management investments?
AGRiP Governance & Leadership Conference | March 6, 2018
Presented by: Dan Smereck
"Pool Investment Strategies for Today and Tomorrow"
Understand how public entity pools are investing right now, what they should be thinking about, and what is on the horizon.
NLC-RISC Staff Conference | October 16, 2017
Presented by: Alton Cogert
"How to Help Your Trustees Fulfill their Investment Responsibilities"
No matter how ‘conservative’ an investment portfolio may be, it is important that trustees view the entire investment process as an important part of the overall operations of the risk pool. That goes beyond reviewing performance. It means understanding the key issues and risks faced by all pools as they develop, measure and monitor an investment process focused on supporting the pool’s overall mission.
CIRMA Annual Meeting of Members | January 27, 2017
Keynote Presented by: Dan Smereck
"Managing Uncertainty: Investment Strategies in a Changing Global Environment"
American Fraternal Alliance Investment Midyear Meeting | June 6-8, 2016
Case Study Presented by: Alton Cogert
NAIC International Insurance Forum | May 21, 2016
Panel Participant: Alton Cogert
"Insurance Company Investing in an Increasingly Volatile Marketplace"
Extreme levels of volatility are exposing risks in even conservatively managed portfolios. Insurers are adapting to this environment in order to remain competitive and engaging in more complex investment strategies. Panelists will discuss the different perspectives of insurers and regulators during these increasingly volatile times and approaches that should be considered.
ACLI SIMS 2015 | November 9, 2015
"How Are Your Competitors Dealing with Low Rates?"
The irresistible force has met the immovable object for many life insurers. Low interest rates have met the voracious demand for yield, from interest sensitive products. over the last five years, how have insurers - with varying product lines emphasized - met the challenge of this environment?