About Us:

Lucy Rimsky,
Director, Investment Consultant

Ms. Rimsky has more than 25 years of investment experience, including working with instituions in healthcare, insurance, and other public & corporate areas.

Navigating Investments for Risk Pool Trustees in 2024

Lucy Rimsky, Director, Strategic Asset Alliance

We had the privilege of presenting at this year's NLC-RISC Trustees conference to discuss the current state of investing for risk pools.

For your reference, below is a copy of the presentation. Please let us know if you have any addtional questions about any topics within the presentation.

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Session Description:
A risk pool’s investment portfolio is a cornerstone to the overall operation; providing support to the pool’s financial objectives, including pricing for its members. For staff and trustees, both long-time and new, the current investment landscape brings both unique challenges and recurring themes. This session will review the role of a pool’s investment portfolio and what governing bodies should be mindful of when making investment-related decisions in the current market environment. This discussion will also highlight potential opportunities available to risk pools of all types (i.e. health benefits, workers’ comp, property & liability, etc.) – ranging from traditional investment-grade fixed income to expanded or indirect avenues, such as risk assets.

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