March 29 - 30, 2023
Marana, AZ
View Agenda >>
- Risk Pool Peer Database
- Trustees: Fulfilling Investment Duties
- Case Studies: Pools Investment Seminar
- Investment Policy: Best Practices
- NLC-RISC 2024: Navigating Investments for Risk Pool Trustees in 2024
- Survey: Artificial Intelligence & Insurer Investment Management
- CAJPA: Investment Fiduciary Responsibilities
Investment Seminar for Gov't Risk Pools 2023
Dan Smereck, Managing Director & Principal, Strategic Asset Alliance
We missed you at this year's Seminar, but hope you can join us next year!
For your reference, below is a copy of this year's presentation. Please let us know if you have any addtional questions about the Seminar, the Risk Pooling Peer Group, or other investment-related questions.
Seminar Description:
Utilizing a peer analysis review of risk pools across all coverage lines, SAA will highlight key takeaways and comparisons for consideration as pools assess their portfolio. SAA will also lead a focused discussion of key investment issues facing risk pools, where attendees can ask questions and contribute their experience to the mutual knowledge of all pools at this seminar. As the investing and economic landscapes grow more complex, it is more important than ever to find out how your pool can improve its investment process.