Peer Group Analysis
Strategic Asset Alliance will perform a Peer Group Analysis looking at financial results and investment portfolio composition in comparison with selected peer companies.
Peer companies are selected based upon them having similar sized portfolios and writing similar lines of business as defined by their annual statements. At your request, we will also perform similar analysis using data from other companies selected by you.
You can view/request a sample peer analysis here.
For Government Risk Pools, SAA’s Pool Peer Database currently consists of 23 risk pooling clients and additional non-client pools that have supplied verified data for the provided blind peer analyses. You can review/request access here.
The Peer Group Analysis will address:
- How have peers structured their investment portfolios and how does it compare to what we have done?
- Are they using strategies, tactics or ideas we should consider?
- What is the worst-case impact of your portfolio’s risk appetite and how does it compare to peers?
- How does your portfolio's expected 'Risk vs. Return' compare?
- How does their investment structure mesh with their business – can this help us from a competitive perspective?
- We provide an analysis along a number of important metrics using SAA Engineered Peer Groups that are provided on InsurerCIO:
Peer Group Analysis Summary | Yield Comparison |
Line of Business Comparison | Maturity Profile |
Analysis of Portfolio Mix | Credit Quality |
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